Thursday, September 11, 2014

Meeting our Buddies

Today we met our fifth grade buddies. We were so excited to get the chance to sit down and get to know each other this morning. 

Here's what we think of our buddies so far!

"He's cool and he knows a lot!"

"They're both cool and one of them is named Harry, like my brother."

"I love them and they're really nice!"

"We both like sports, crafts (but not art), and math so that's good."

" of them plays Pokemon on their DS and the other one really likes Skittles and I love Skittles so that's awesome!"

"Well she's really nice and I already know her." 

"She's nice." 

"They are nice and they like a lot of stuff that I like."

"Um...they like the same stuff - they like ALL the same stuff I like, like video games!"


"Umm my buddy is really kind and we're almost like the same. We both like strawberry shortcake (like the food) and we both like pizza and macaroni and cheese. We both have brothers."

"We all play lacrosse. Me and Spencer play soccer."

"Both of them? One hates math and one likes math. They're kind and we all like gymnastics!"

"I like being paired with my brother because we never get to see each other at school."

"She likes some sports like me. I also like her because she likes music and doing art too."

"She's nice. She's cool. We talked about sports and stuff, and our favorite foods."

"He's cool!"

We're looking forward to a great year with our new 5th grade friends!

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